Source code for hera_pspec.plot

import numpy as np
import pyuvdata
from hera_pspec import conversions, uvpspec, utils
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
from pyuvdata import UVData
import uvtools

[docs]def delay_spectrum(uvp, blpairs, spw, pol, average_blpairs=False, average_times=False, fold=False, plot_noise=False, delay=True, deltasq=False, legend=False, ax=None, component='real', lines=True, markers=False, error=None, times=None, logscale=True, force_plot=False, label_type='blpairt', plot_stats=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a 1D delay spectrum (or spectra) for a group of baselines. Parameters ---------- uvp : UVPspec UVPSpec object, containing delay spectra for a set of baseline-pairs, times, polarizations, and spectral windows. blpairs : list of tuples or lists of tuples List of baseline-pair tuples, or groups of baseline-pair tuples. spw, pol : int or str Which spectral window and polarization to plot. average_blpairs : bool, optional If True, average over the baseline pairs within each group. average_times : bool, optional If True, average spectra over the time axis. Default: False. fold : bool, optional Whether to fold the power spectrum in :math:`|k_\parallel|`. Default: False. plot_noise : bool, optional Whether to plot noise power spectrum curves or not. Default: False. delay : bool, optional Whether to plot the power spectrum in delay units (ns) or cosmological units (h/Mpc). Default: True. deltasq : bool, optional If True, plot dimensionless power spectra, Delta^2. This is ignored if delay=True. Default: False. legend : bool, optional Whether to switch on the plot legend. Default: False. ax : matplotlib.axes, optional Use this to pass in an existing Axes object, which the power spectra will be added to. (Warning: Labels and legends will not be altered in this case, even if the existing plot has completely different axis labels etc.) If None, a new Axes object will be created. Default: None. component : str, optional Component of complex spectra to plot, options=['abs', 'real', 'imag']. Default: 'real'. lines : bool, optional If True, plot lines between bandpowers for a given pspectrum. Default: True. markers : bool, optional If True, plot circles at bandpowers. Filled for positive, empty for negative. Default: False. error : str, optional If not None and if error exists in uvp stats_array, plot errors on bandpowers. Default: None. times : array_like, optional Float ndarray containing elements from time_avg_array to plot. logscale : bool, optional If True, put plot on a log-scale. Else linear scale. Default: True. force_plot : bool, optional If plotting a large number of spectra (>100), this function will error. Set this to True to override this large plot error and force plot. Default: False. label_type : int, optional Line label type in legend, options=['key', 'blpair', 'blpairt']. key : Label lines based on (spw, blpair, pol) key. blpair : Label lines based on blpair. blpairt : Label lines based on blpair-time. plot_stats : string, optional If not None, plot an entry in uvp.stats_array instead of power spectrum in uvp.data_array. kwargs : dict, optional Extra kwargs to pass to _all_ ax.plot calls. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Matplotlib Figure instance. """ # Create new Axes if none specified new_plot = False if ax is None: new_plot = True fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Select times if requested if times is not None: uvp =, inplace=False) # Add ungrouped baseline-pairs into a group of their own (expected by the # averaging routines) blpairs_in = blpairs blpairs = [] # Must be a list, not an array for i, blpgrp in enumerate(blpairs_in): if not isinstance(blpgrp, list): blpairs.append([blpairs_in[i],]) else: blpairs.append(blpairs_in[i]) # Average over blpairs or times if requested blpairs_in = copy.deepcopy(blpairs) # Save input blpair list if average_blpairs: uvp_plt = uvp.average_spectra(blpair_groups=blpairs, time_avg=average_times, inplace=False) else: uvp_plt = copy.deepcopy(uvp) if average_times: # Average over times, but not baseline-pairs uvp_plt.average_spectra(time_avg=True, inplace=True) # Check plot size if uvp_plt.Ntimes * len(blpairs) > 100 and force_plot == False: raise ValueError("Trying to plot > 100 spectra... Set force_plot=True to continue.") # Fold the power spectra if requested if fold: uvp_plt.fold_spectra() # Convert to Delta^2 units if requested if deltasq and not delay: uvp_plt.convert_to_deltasq() # Get x-axis units (delays in ns, or k_parallel in Mpc^-1 or h Mpc^-1) if delay: dlys = uvp_plt.get_dlys(spw) * 1e9 # ns x = dlys else: k_para = uvp_plt.get_kparas(spw) x = k_para # Check plot_stats if plot_stats is not None: assert plot_stats in uvp_plt.stats_array, "specified key {} not found in stats_array".format(plot_stats) # Plot power spectra for blgrp in blpairs: # Loop over blpairs in group and plot power spectrum for each one for blp in blgrp: # setup key and casting function key = (spw, blp, pol) if component == 'real': cast = np.real elif component == 'imag': cast = np.imag elif component == 'abs': cast = np.abs # get data array and repeat x array if plot_stats is None: data = cast(uvp_plt.get_data(key)) else: data = cast(uvp_plt.get_stats(plot_stats, key)) # flag records that have zero integration flags = np.isclose(uvp_plt.get_integrations(key), 0.0) data[flags] = np.nan # get errs if requessted if error is not None and hasattr(uvp_plt, 'stats_array'): if error in uvp_plt.stats_array: errs = uvp_plt.get_stats(error, key) errs[flags] = np.nan # get times blptimes = uvp_plt.time_avg_array[uvp_plt.blpair_to_indices(blp)] # iterate over integrations per blp for i in range(data.shape[0]): # get y data y = data[i] t = blptimes[i] # form label if label_type == 'key': label = "{}".format(key) elif label_type == 'blpair': label = "{}".format(blp) elif label_type == 'blpairt': label = "{}, {:0.5f}".format(blp, t) else: raise ValueError("Couldn't undestand label_type {}".format(label_type)) # plot elements cax = None if lines: if logscale: _y = np.abs(y) else: _y = y cax, = ax.plot(x, _y, marker='None', label=label, **kwargs) if markers: if cax is None: c = None else: c = cax.get_color() if lines: label = None # plot markers if logscale: # plot positive w/ filled circles cax, = ax.plot(x[y >= 0], np.abs(y[y >= 0]), c=c, ls='None', marker='o', markerfacecolor=c, markeredgecolor=c, label=label, **kwargs) # plot negative w/ unfilled circles c = cax.get_color() cax, = ax.plot(x[y < 0], np.abs(y[y < 0]), c=c, ls='None', marker='o', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor=c, **kwargs) else: cax, = ax.plot(x, y, c=c, ls='None', marker='o', markerfacecolor=c, markeredgecolor=c, label=label, **kwargs) if error is not None and hasattr(uvp_plt, 'stats_array'): if error in uvp_plt.stats_array: if cax is None: c = None else: c = cax.get_color() if logscale: _y = np.abs(y) else: _y = y cax = ax.errorbar(x, _y, fmt='none', ecolor=c, yerr=cast(errs[i]), **kwargs) else: raise KeyError("Error variable '%s' not found in stats_array of UVPSpec object." % error) # If blpairs were averaged, only the first blpair in the group # exists any more (so skip the rest) if average_blpairs: break # Set log scale if logscale: ax.set_yscale('log') # Add legend if legend: ax.legend(loc='upper left') # Add labels with units if ax.get_xlabel() == "": if delay: ax.set_xlabel(r"$\tau$ $[{\rm ns}]$", fontsize=16) else: ax.set_xlabel("$k_{\parallel}\ h\ Mpc^{-1}$", fontsize=16) if ax.get_ylabel() == "" and plot_stats is None: # Sanitize power spectrum units psunits = uvp_plt.units if "h^-1" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-1", "h^{-1}") if "h^-3" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-3", "h^{-3}") if "Mpc" in psunits and "\\rm" not in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("Mpc", r"{\rm Mpc}") if "pi" in psunits and "\\pi" not in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("pi", r"\pi") # Power spectrum type if deltasq: ax.set_ylabel("$\Delta^2$ $[%s]$" % psunits, fontsize=16) else: ax.set_ylabel("$P(k_\parallel)$ $[%s]$" % psunits, fontsize=16) # Return Figure: the axis is an attribute of figure if new_plot: return fig
def delay_waterfall(uvp, blpairs, spw, pol, component='real', average_blpairs=False, fold=False, delay=True, deltasq=False, log=True, lst_in_hrs=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='YlGnBu', axes=None, figsize=(14, 6), force_plot=False, times=None, title_type='blpair'): """ Plot a 1D delay spectrum waterfall (or spectra) for a group of baselines. Parameters ---------- uvp : UVPspec UVPSpec object, containing delay spectra for a set of baseline-pairs, times, polarizations, and spectral windows. blpairs : list of tuples or lists of tuples List of baseline-pair tuples, or groups of baseline-pair tuples. spw, pol : int or str Which spectral window and polarization to plot. component : str Component of complex spectra to plot, options=['abs', 'real', 'imag']. Default: 'real'. average_blpairs : bool, optional If True, average over the baseline pairs within each group. fold : bool, optional Whether to fold the power spectrum in :math:`|k_\parallel|`. Default: False. delay : bool, optional Whether to plot the power spectrum in delay units (ns) or cosmological units (h/Mpc). Default: True. deltasq : bool, optional If True, plot dimensionless power spectra, Delta^2. This is ignored if delay=True. Default: False. log : bool, optional Whether to plot the log10 of the data. Default: True. lst_in_hrs : bool, optional If True, LST is plotted in hours, otherwise its plotted in radians. vmin, vmax : float, optional Clip the color scale of the delay spectrum to these min./max. values. If None, use the natural range of the data. Default: None. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap to use. Default: 'YlGnBu'. axes : array of matplotlib.axes, optional Use this to pass in an existing Axes object or array of axes, which the power spectra will be added to. (Warning: Labels and legends will not be altered in this case, even if the existing plot has completely different axis labels etc.) If None, a new Axes object will be created. Default: None. figsize : tuple len-2 integer tuple specifying figure size if axes is None force_plot : bool If plotting a large number of blpairs (>20), this routine will quit unless force_plot == True. times : array_like, optional Float ndarray containing elements from time_avg_array to plot. title_type : str, optional Type of title to put above plot(s). Options = ['blpair', 'blvec'] blpair : "bls: {bl1} x {bl2}" blvec : "bl len {len} m & ang {ang} deg" Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Matplotlib Figure instance if input ax is None. """ # assert component assert component in ['real', 'abs', 'imag'], "Can't parse specified component {}".format(component) # Add ungrouped baseline-pairs into a group of their own (expected by the # averaging routines) blpairs_in = blpairs blpairs = [] # Must be a list, not an array for i, blpgrp in enumerate(blpairs_in): if not isinstance(blpgrp, list): blpairs.append([blpairs_in[i],]) else: blpairs.append(blpairs_in[i]) # iterate through and make sure they are blpair integers _blpairs = [] for blpgrp in blpairs: _blpgrp = [] for blp in blpgrp: if isinstance(blp, tuple): blp_int = uvp.antnums_to_blpair(blp) else: blp_int = blp _blpgrp.append(blp_int) _blpairs.append(_blpgrp) blpairs = _blpairs # Select times if requested if times is not None: uvp =, inplace=False) # Average over blpairs or times if requested blpairs_in = copy.deepcopy(blpairs) # Save input blpair list if average_blpairs: uvp_plt = uvp.average_spectra(blpair_groups=blpairs, time_avg=False, inplace=False) else: uvp_plt = copy.deepcopy(uvp) # Fold the power spectra if requested if fold: uvp_plt.fold_spectra() # Convert to Delta^2 units if requested if deltasq and not delay: uvp_plt.convert_to_deltasq() # Get x-axis units (delays in ns, or k_parallel in Mpc^-1 or h Mpc^-1) if delay: dlys = uvp_plt.get_dlys(spw) * 1e9 # ns x = dlys else: k_para = uvp_plt.get_kparas(spw) x = k_para # Extract power spectra into array waterfall = odict() for blgrp in blpairs: # Loop over blpairs in group and plot power spectrum for each one for blp in blgrp: # make key key = (spw, blp, pol) # get power data power = uvp_plt.get_data(key, omit_flags=False) # set flagged power data to nan flags = np.isclose(uvp_plt.get_integrations(key), 0.0) power[flags, :] = np.nan # get component if component == 'abs': waterfall[key] = np.abs(power) elif component == 'real': waterfall[key] = np.real(power) elif component == 'imag': waterfall[key] = np.imag(power) # If blpairs were averaged, only the first blpair in the group # exists any more (so skip the rest) if average_blpairs: break # check for reasonable number of blpairs to plot... Nkeys = len(waterfall) if Nkeys > 20 and force_plot == False: raise ValueError("Nblps > 20 and force_plot == False, quitting...") # Take logarithm of data if requested if log: for k in waterfall: waterfall[k] = np.log10(np.abs(waterfall[k])) logunits = "\log_{10}" else: logunits = "" # Create new Axes if none specified new_plot = False if axes is None: new_plot = True # figure out how many subplots to make Nkeys = len(waterfall) Nside = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(Nkeys))) fig, axes = plt.subplots(Nside, Nside, figsize=figsize) # Ensure axes is an ndarray if isinstance(axes, matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes): axes = np.array([[axes]]) if isinstance(axes, list): axes = np.array(axes) # Ensure its 2D and get side lengths if axes.ndim == 1: axes = axes[:, None] assert axes.ndim == 2, "input axes must have ndim == 2" Nvert, Nhorz = axes.shape # Get LST range: setting y-ticks is tricky due to LST wrapping... y = uvp_plt.lst_avg_array[ uvp_plt.key_to_indices(list(waterfall.keys())[0])[1] ] if lst_in_hrs: lst_units = "Hr" y = np.around(y * 24 / (2*np.pi), 2) else: lst_units = "rad" y = np.around(y, 3) Ny = len(y) if Ny <= 10: Ny_thin = 1 else: Ny_thin = int(round(Ny / 10.0)) Nx = len(x) # get baseline vectors blvecs = dict(zip([uvp_plt.bl_to_antnums(bl) for bl in uvp_plt.bl_array], uvp_plt.get_ENU_bl_vecs())) # Sanitize power spectrum units psunits = uvp_plt.units if "h^-1" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-1", "h^{-1}") if "h^-3" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-3", "h^{-3}") if "Hz" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("Hz", r"{\rm Hz}") if "str" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("str", r"\,{\rm str}") if "Mpc" in psunits and "\\rm" not in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("Mpc", r"{\rm Mpc}") if "pi" in psunits and "\\pi" not in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("pi", r"\pi") if "beam normalization not specified" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("beam normalization not specified", r"{\rm unnormed}") # Iterate over waterfall keys keys = list(waterfall.keys()) k = 0 for i in range(Nvert): for j in range(Nhorz): # set ax ax = axes[i, j] # turn off subplot if no more plots to make if k >= Nkeys: ax.axis('off') continue # get blpair key for this subplot key = keys[k] blp = uvp_plt.blpair_to_antnums(key[1]) # plot waterfall cax = ax.matshow(waterfall[key], cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extent=[np.min(x), np.max(x), Ny, 0]) # ax config ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.tick_params(labelsize=12) if ax.get_title() == '': if title_type == 'blpair': ax.set_title("bls: {} x {}".format(*blp), y=1) elif title_type == 'blvec': blv = 0.5 * (blvecs[blp[0]] + blvecs[blp[1]]) lens, angs = utils.get_bl_lens_angs([blv], bl_error_tol=1.0) ax.set_title("bl len {len:0.2f} m & {ang:0.0f} deg".format(len=lens[0], ang=angs[0]), y=1) # set colorbar cbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(cax, ax=ax) # configure left-column plots if j == 0: # set yticks ax.set_yticks(np.arange(Ny)[::Ny_thin]) ax.set_yticklabels(y[::Ny_thin]) ax.set_ylabel(r"LST [{}]".format(lst_units), fontsize=16) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) # configure bottom-row plots if k + Nhorz >= Nkeys: if ax.get_xlabel() == "": if delay: ax.set_xlabel(r"$\tau$ $[{\rm ns}]$", fontsize=16) else: ax.set_xlabel("$k_{\parallel}\ h\ Mpc^{-1}$", fontsize=16) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) k += 1 # make suptitle if axes[0][0].get_figure()._suptitle is None: if deltasq: units = "$%s\Delta^2$ $[%s]$" % (logunits, psunits) else: units = "$%sP(k_\parallel)$ $[%s]$" % (logunits, psunits) spwrange = np.around(np.array(uvp_plt.get_spw_ranges()[spw][:2]) / 1e6, 2) axes[0][0].get_figure().suptitle("{}\n{} polarization | {} -- {} MHz".format(units, pol, *spwrange), y=1.03, fontsize=14) # Return Axes if new_plot: return fig def delay_wedge(uvp, spw, pol, blpairs=None, times=None, fold=False, delay=True, rotate=False, component='real', log10=True, loglog=False, red_tol=1.0, center_line=False, horizon_lines=False, title=None, ax=None, cmap='viridis', figsize=(8, 6), deltasq=False, colorbar=False, cbax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, edgecolor='none', flip_xax=False, flip_yax=False, lw=2, set_bl_tick_major=False, set_bl_tick_minor=False, xtick_size=10, xtick_rot=0, ytick_size=10, ytick_rot=0, **kwargs): """ Plot a 2D delay spectrum (or spectra) from a UVPSpec object. Note that all integrations and redundant baselines are averaged (unless specifying times) before plotting. Parameters ---------- uvp : UVPSpec UVPSpec object containing delay spectra to plot. spw : integer Which spectral window to plot. pol : int or tuple Polarization-pair integer or tuple, e.g. ('pI', 'pI') blpairs : list of tuples, optional List of baseline-pair tuples to use in plotting. times : list, optional An ndarray or list of times from uvp.time_avg_array to select on before plotting. Default: None. fold : bool, optional Whether to fold the power spectrum in k_parallel. Default: False. delay : bool, optional Whether to plot the axes in tau (ns). If False, axes will be plotted in cosmological units. Default: True. rotate : bool, optional If False, use baseline-type as x-axis and delay as y-axis, else use baseline-type as y-axis and delay as x-axis. Default: False component : str, optional Component of complex spectra to plot. Options=['real', 'imag', 'abs'] Default: 'real'. log10 : bool, optional If True, take log10 of data before plotting. Default: True loglog : bool, optional If True, turn x-axis and y-axis into log-log scale. Default: False red_tol : float, optional Redundancy tolerance when solving for redundant groups in meters. Default: 1.0 center_line : bool, optional Whether to plot a dotted line at k_perp = 0. Default: False. horizon_lines : bool, optional Whether to plot dotted lines along the horizon. Default: False. title : string, optional Title for subplot. Default: None. ax : matplotlib.axes, optional If not None, use this axes as a subplot for delay wedge. cmap : str, optional Colormap of wedge plot. Default: 'viridis' figsize : len-2 integer tuple, optional If ax is None, this is the new figure size. deltasq : bool, optional Convert to Delta^2 before plotting. This is ignored if delay=True. Default: False colorbar : bool, optional Add a colorbar to the plot. Default: False cbax : matplotlib.axes, optional Axis object for adding colorbar if True. Default: None vmin : float, optional Minimum range of colorscale. Default: None vmax : float, optional Maximum range of colorscale. Default: None edgecolor : str, optional Edgecolor of bins in pcolormesh. Default: 'none' flip_xax : bool, optional Flip xaxis if True. Default: False flip_yax : bool, optional Flip yaxis if True. Default: False lw : int, optional Line-width of horizon and center lines if plotted. Default: 2. set_bl_tick_major : bool, optional If True, use the baseline lengths as major ticks, rather than default uniform grid. set_bl_tick_minor : bool, optional If True, use the baseline lengths as minor ticks, which have no labels. kwargs : dictionary Additional keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh() call. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Matplotlib Figure instance if ax is None. """ # type checking uvp = copy.deepcopy(uvp) assert isinstance(uvp, uvpspec.UVPSpec), "input uvp must be a UVPSpec object" assert isinstance(spw, (int, np.integer)) assert isinstance(pol, (int, np.integer, tuple)) # check pspec units for little h little_h = 'h^-3' in uvp.norm_units # Create new ax if none specified new_plot = False if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) new_plot = True else: fig = ax.get_figure() # Select out times if provided if times is not None:, inplace=True) # Average across redundant groups and time # this also ensures blpairs are ordered from short_bl --> long_bl blp_grps, lens, angs, tags = utils.get_blvec_reds(uvp, bl_error_tol=red_tol, match_bl_lens=True) uvp.average_spectra(blpair_groups=blp_grps, time_avg=True, inplace=True) # Convert to DeltaSq if deltasq and not delay: uvp.convert_to_deltasq(inplace=True) # Fold array if fold: uvp.fold_spectra() # Format ticks if delay: x_axis = uvp.get_dlys(spw) * 1e9 y_axis = uvp.get_blpair_seps() else: x_axis = uvp.get_kparas(spw, little_h=little_h) y_axis = uvp.get_kperps(spw, little_h=little_h) if rotate: _x_axis = y_axis y_axis = x_axis x_axis = _x_axis # Conigure Units psunits = "({})^2\ {}".format(uvp.vis_units, uvp.norm_units) if "h^-1" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-1", "h^{-1}\ ") if "h^-3" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-3", "h^{-3}\ ") if "Hz" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("Hz", r"{\rm Hz}\ ") if "str" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("str", r"\,{\rm str}\ ") if "Mpc" in psunits and "\\rm" not in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("Mpc", r"{\rm Mpc}") if "pi" in psunits and "\\pi" not in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("pi", r"\pi") if "beam normalization not specified" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("beam normalization not specified", r"{\rm unnormed}") # get data casting if component == 'real': cast = np.real elif component == 'imag': cast = np.imag elif component == 'abs': cast = np.abs else: raise ValueError("Did not understand component {}".format(component)) # get data with shape (Nblpairs, Ndlys) data = cast([uvp.get_data((spw, blp, pol)).squeeze() for blp in uvp.get_blpairs()]) # take log10 if log10: data = np.log10(np.abs(data)) # loglog if loglog: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterSciNotation()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterSciNotation()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.NullFormatter()) # rotate if rotate: data = np.rot90(data[:, ::-1], k=1) # Get bin edges xdiff = np.diff(x_axis) x_edges = np.array([x_axis[0]-xdiff[0]/2.0] + list(x_axis[:-1]+xdiff/2.0) + [x_axis[-1]+xdiff[-1]/2.0]) ydiff = np.diff(y_axis) y_edges = np.array([y_axis[0]-ydiff[0]/2.0] + list(y_axis[:-1]+ydiff/2.0) + [y_axis[-1]+ydiff[-1]/2.0]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges) # plot cax = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, data, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=edgecolor, lw=0.01, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) # Configure ticks if set_bl_tick_major: if rotate: ax.set_xticks([np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2) for x in x_axis]) else: ax.set_yticks([np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2) for x in y_axis]) if set_bl_tick_minor: if rotate: ax.set_xticks([np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2) for x in x_axis], minor=True) else: ax.set_yticks([np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2) for x in y_axis], minor=True) # Add colorbar if colorbar: if cbax is None: cbax = ax cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ax=cbax) if deltasq: p = "\Delta^2" else: p = "P" if delay: p = "{}({},\ {})".format(p, r'\tau', r'|\vec{b}|') else: p = "{}({},\ {})".format(p, r'k_\parallel', r'k_\perp') if log10: psunits = r"$\log_{{10}}\ {}\ [{}]$".format(p, psunits) else: psunits = r"${}\ [{}]$".format(p, psunits) cbar.set_label(psunits, fontsize=14) # Configure tick labels if delay: xlabel = r"$\tau$ $[{\rm ns}]$" ylabel = r"$|\vec{b}|$ $[{\rm m}]$" else: xlabel = r"$k_{\parallel}\ [h\ \rm Mpc^{-1}]$" ylabel = r"$k_{\perp}\ [h\ \rm Mpc^{-1}]$" if rotate: _xlabel = ylabel ylabel = xlabel xlabel = _xlabel if ax.get_xlabel() == '': ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) if ax.get_ylabel() == '': ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) # Configure center line if center_line: if rotate: ax.axhline(y=0, color='#000000', ls='--', lw=lw) else: ax.axvline(x=0, color='#000000', ls='--', lw=lw) # Plot horizons if horizon_lines: # get horizon in ns horizons = uvp.get_blpair_seps() / conversions.units.c * 1e9 # convert to cosmological wave vector if not delay: # Get average redshift of spw avg_z = uvp.cosmo.f2z(np.mean(uvp.freq_array[uvp.spw_to_freq_indices(spw)])) horizons *= uvp.cosmo.tau_to_kpara(avg_z, little_h=little_h) / 1e9 # iterate over bins and plot lines if rotate: bin_edges = x_edges else: bin_edges = y_edges for i, hor in enumerate(horizons): if rotate: ax.plot(bin_edges[i:i+2], [hor, hor], color='#ffffff', ls='--', lw=lw) if not uvp.folded: ax.plot(bin_edges[i:i+2], [-hor, -hor], color='#ffffff', ls='--', lw=lw) else: ax.plot([hor, hor], bin_edges[i:i+2], color='#ffffff', ls='--', lw=lw) if not uvp.folded: ax.plot([-hor, -hor], bin_edges[i:i+2], color='#ffffff', ls='--', lw=lw) # flip axes if flip_xax: fig.gca().invert_xaxis() if flip_yax: fig.gca().invert_yaxis() # add title if title is not None: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=12) # Configure tick sizes and rotation [tl.set_size(xtick_size) for tl in ax.get_xticklabels()] [tl.set_rotation(xtick_rot) for tl in ax.get_xticklabels()] [tl.set_size(ytick_size) for tl in ax.get_yticklabels()] [tl.set_rotation(ytick_rot) for tl in ax.get_yticklabels()] # return figure if new_plot: return fig def plot_uvdata_waterfalls(uvd, basename, data='data', plot_mode='log', vmin=None, vmax=None, recenter=False, format='png', **kwargs): """ Plot waterfalls for all baselines and polarizations within a UVData object, and save to individual files. Parameters ---------- uvd : UVData object Input data object. Waterfalls will be stored for all baselines and polarizations within the object; use to remove unwanted information. basename : str Base filename for the output plots. This must have two placeholders for baseline ID ('bl') and polarization ('pol'), e.g. basename='plots/uvdata.{pol}.{bl}'. data : str, optional Which data array to plot from the UVData object. Options are: 'data', 'flags', 'nsamples'. Default: 'data'. plot_mode : str, optional Plot mode, passed to uvtools.plot.waterfall. Default: 'log'. vmin, vmax : float, optional Min./max. values of the plot colorscale. Default: None (uses the min./max. of the data). recenter : bool, optional Whether to apply recentering (see uvtools.plot.waterfall). Default: False. format : str, optional The file format of the output images. If None, the image format will be deduced from the basename string. Default: 'png'. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to uvtools.plot.waterfall, which passes them on to matplotlib.imshow. """ assert isinstance(uvd, UVData), "'uvd' must be a UVData object." assert data in ['data', 'flags', 'nsamples'], \ "'%s' not a valid data array; use 'data', 'flags', or 'nsamples'" \ % data # Set plot colorscale max/min if specified drng = None if vmin is not None: assert vmax is not None, "Must also specify vmax if vmin is specified." drng = vmax - vmin # Empty figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Loop over antenna pairs and pols for (ant1, ant2, pol), d in uvd.antpairpol_iter(): # Get chosen data array if data == 'data': pass elif data == 'flags': d = uvd.get_flags((ant1, ant2, pol)) elif data == 'nsamples': d = uvd.get_nsamples((ant1, ant2, pol)) else: raise KeyError("Invalid data array type '%s'" % data) # Make plot img = uvtools.plot.waterfall(d, mode=plot_mode, mx=vmax, drng=drng, recenter=recenter, **kwargs) fig.colorbar(img) # Save to file outfile = basename.format(bl="%d.%d"%(ant1, ant2), pol=pol) if format is not None: # Make sure format extension is given if outfile[-len(format)].lower() != format.lower(): outfile = "%s.%s" % (outfile, format) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(outfile, format=format) fig.clf() def _get_sigfig(x): return -int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(x)))) def _round_sigfig(x, up=True): sigfigs = get_sigfig(x) if up: return np.ceil(10**sigfigs * x) / 10**sigfigs else: return np.floor(10**sigfigs * x) / 10**sigfigs