Source code for hera_pspec.pspecbeam

import numpy as np
import os
import hera_pspec.conversions as conversions
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from pyuvdata import UVBeam, utils as uvutils
import aipy

def _compute_pspec_scalar(cosmo, beam_freqs, omega_ratio, pspec_freqs, 
                          num_steps=5000, taper='none', little_h=True, 
    This is not to be used by the novice user to calculate a pspec scalar.
    Instead, look at the PSpecBeamUV and PSpecBeamGauss classes.

    Computes the scalar function to convert a power spectrum estimate
    in "telescope units" to cosmological units

    See arxiv:1304.4991 and HERA memo #27 for details.

    cosmo : conversions.Cosmo_Conversions instance
        Instance of the cosmological conversion object.

    beam_freqs : array of floats
        Frequency of beam integrals in omega_ratio in units of Hz.

    omega_ratio : array of floats
        Ratio of the integrated squared-beam power over the square of the 
        integrated beam power for each frequency in beam_freqs. 
        i.e. Omega_pp(nu) / Omega_p(nu)^2

    pspec_freqs : array of floats
        Array of frequencies over which power spectrum is estimated in Hz.

    num_steps : int, optional
        Number of steps to use when interpolating primary beams for numerical 
        integral. Default: 5000.

    taper : str, optional
        Whether a tapering function (e.g. Blackman-Harris) is being used in the 
        power spectrum estimation. Default: 'none'.

    little_h : boolean, optional
        Whether to have cosmological length units be h^-1 Mpc or Mpc. Value of 
        h is obtained from cosmo object stored in pspecbeam. Default: h^-1 Mpc.

    noise_scalar : boolean, optional
        Whether to calculate power spectrum scalar, or noise power scalar. The 
        noise power scalar only differs in that the Bpp_over_BpSq term turns 
        into 1_over_Bp. See Pober et al. 2014, ApJ 782, 66, and Parsons HERA 
        Memo #27. Default: False.

    scalar: float
        [\int dnu (\Omega_PP / \Omega_P^2) ( B_PP / B_P^2 ) / (X^2 Y)]^-1
        Units: h^-3 Mpc^3 or Mpc^3.
    # Get integration freqs
    df = np.median(np.diff(pspec_freqs))
    integration_freqs = np.linspace(pspec_freqs.min(), 
                                    pspec_freqs.min() + df*len(pspec_freqs), 
                                    num_steps, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float)
    # The interpolations are generally more stable in MHz
    integration_freqs_MHz = integration_freqs / 1e6
    # Get redshifts and cosmological functions
    redshifts = cosmo.f2z(integration_freqs).flatten()
    X2Y = np.array(map(lambda z: cosmo.X2Y(z, little_h=little_h), redshifts))

    # Use linear interpolation to interpolate the frequency-dependent 
    # quantities derived from the beam model to the same frequency grid as the 
    # power spectrum estimation
    beam_model_freqs_MHz = beam_freqs / 1e6
    dOpp_over_Op2_fit = interp1d(beam_model_freqs_MHz, omega_ratio, 
                                 kind='quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate')
    dOpp_over_Op2 = dOpp_over_Op2_fit(integration_freqs_MHz)

    # Get B_pp = \int dnu taper^2 and Bp = \int dnu
    if taper == 'none':
        dBpp_over_BpSq = np.ones_like(integration_freqs, np.float)
        dBpp_over_BpSq = aipy.dsp.gen_window(len(pspec_freqs), taper)**2.
        dBpp_over_BpSq = interp1d(pspec_freqs, dBpp_over_BpSq, kind='nearest', 
    dBpp_over_BpSq /= (integration_freqs[-1] - integration_freqs[0])**2.

    # Keep dBpp_over_BpSq term or not
    if noise_scalar:
        dBpp_over_BpSq = 1. / (integration_freqs[-1] - integration_freqs[0])

    # Integrate to get scalar
    d_inv_scalar = dBpp_over_BpSq * dOpp_over_Op2 / X2Y
    scalar = 1. / integrate.trapz(d_inv_scalar, x=integration_freqs)
    return scalar

[docs]class PSpecBeamBase(object): def __init__(self, cosmo=None): """ Base class for PSpecBeam objects. Provides compute_pspec_scalar() method to integrate over and interpolate beam solid angles, and Jy_to_mK() method to convert units. Parameters ---------- cosmo : conversions.Cosmo_Conversions object, optional Cosmology object. Uses the default cosmology object if not specified. Default: None. """ if cosmo is not None: self.cosmo = cosmo else: self.cosmo = conversions.Cosmo_Conversions()
[docs] def compute_pspec_scalar(self, lower_freq, upper_freq, num_freqs, num_steps=5000, pol='I', taper='none', little_h=True, noise_scalar=False): """ Computes the scalar function to convert a power spectrum estimate in "telescope units" to cosmological units See arxiv:1304.4991 and HERA memo #27 for details. Currently, only the "I", "XX" and "YY" polarization beams are supported. See Equations 4 and 5 of Moore et al. (2017) ApJ 836, 154 or arxiv:1502.05072 for details. Parameters ---------- lower_freq : float Bottom edge of frequency band over which power spectrum is being estimated. Assumed to be in Hz. upper_freq : float Top edge of frequency band over which power spectrum is being estimated. Assumed to be in Hz. num_freqs : int, optional Number of frequencies used in estimating power spectrum. num_steps : int, optional Number of steps to use when interpolating primary beams for numerical integral. Default: 5000. pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX', although Default: 'I' taper : str, optional Whether a tapering function (e.g. Blackman-Harris) is being used in the power spectrum estimation. Default: none. little_h : boolean, optional Whether to have cosmological length units be h^-1 Mpc or Mpc. Value of h is obtained from cosmo object stored in pspecbeam. Default: h^-1 Mpc noise_scalar : boolean, optional Whether to calculate power spectrum scalar, or noise power scalar. The noise power scalar only differs in that the Bpp_over_BpSq term just because 1_over_Bp. See Pober et al. 2014, ApJ 782, 66. Returns ------- scalar: float [\int dnu (\Omega_PP / \Omega_P^2) ( B_PP / B_P^2 ) / (X^2 Y)]^-1 Units: h^-3 Mpc^3 or Mpc^3. """ # Get pspec_freqs pspec_freqs = np.linspace(lower_freq, upper_freq, num_freqs, endpoint=False) # Get omega_ratio omega_ratio = self.power_beam_sq_int(pol) \ / self.power_beam_int(pol)**2 # Get scalar scalar = _compute_pspec_scalar(self.cosmo, self.beam_freqs, omega_ratio, pspec_freqs, num_steps=num_steps, taper=taper, little_h=little_h, noise_scalar=noise_scalar) return scalar
[docs] def Jy_to_mK(self, freqs, pol='I'): """ Return the multiplicative factor [mK / Jy], to convert a visibility from Jy -> mK, factor = 1e3 * 1e-23 * c^2 / [2 * k_b * nu^2 * Omega_p(nu)] where k_b is boltzmann constant, c is speed of light, nu is frequency and Omega_p is the integral of the unitless beam-response (steradians), and the 1e3 is the conversion from K -> mK and the 1e-23 is the conversion from Jy to cgs. Parameters ---------- freqs : float ndarray Contains frequencies to evaluate conversion factor [Hz]. pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX', although Default: 'I' Returns ------- factor : float ndarray Contains Jy -> mK factor at each frequency. """ # Check input types if isinstance(freqs, (np.float, float)): freqs = np.array([freqs]) elif not isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("freqs must be fed as a float ndarray") elif isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) \ and freqs.dtype not in (float, np.float, np.float64): raise TypeError("freqs must be fed as a float ndarray") # Check frequency bounds if np.min(freqs) < self.beam_freqs.min(): raise ValueError("Warning: min freq {} < self.beam_freqs.min(), extrapolating...".format(np.min(freqs))) if np.max(freqs) > self.beam_freqs.max(): raise ValueError("Warning: max freq {} > self.beam_freqs.max(), extrapolating...".format(np.max(freqs))) Op = interp1d(self.beam_freqs/1e6, self.power_beam_int(pol=pol), kind='quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate')(freqs/1e6) return 1e-20 * conversions.cgs_units.c**2 \ / (2 * conversions.cgs_units.kb * freqs**2 * Op)
[docs] def get_Omegas(self, pols): """ Get OmegaP and OmegaPP across beam_freqs for requested polarizations. Parameters ---------- pols : list List of polarization strings or integers. Returns ------- OmegaP : array_like Array containing power_beam_int, shape: (Nbeam_freqs, Npols). OmegaPP : array_like Array containing power_sq_beam_int, shape: (Nbeam_freqs, Npols). """ # type check if isinstance(pols, (int,, np.int32)): pols = [pols] elif isinstance(pols, (str, np.str)): pols = [pols] if isinstance(pols, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): if isinstance(pols[0], (int,, np.int32)): pols = map(lambda p: uvutils.polnum2str(p), pols) # initialize blank lists OmegaP, OmegaPP = [], [] for p in pols: OmegaP.append(self.power_beam_int(pol=p)) OmegaPP.append(self.power_beam_sq_int(pol=p)) OmegaP = np.array(OmegaP).T OmegaPP = np.array(OmegaPP).T return OmegaP, OmegaPP
[docs]class PSpecBeamGauss(PSpecBeamBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, fwhm, beam_freqs, cosmo=None): """ Object to store a simple (frequency independent) Gaussian beam in a PspecBeamBase object. Parameters ---------- fwhm: float Full width half max of the beam, in radians. beam_freqs: float, array-like Frequencies over which this Gaussian beam is to be created. Units assumed to be Hz. cosmo : conversions.Cosmo_Conversions object, optional Cosmology object. Uses the default cosmology object if not specified. Default: None. """ self.fwhm = fwhm self.beam_freqs = beam_freqs if cosmo is not None: self.cosmo = cosmo else: self.cosmo = conversions.Cosmo_Conversions()
[docs] def power_beam_int(self, pol='I'): """ Computes the integral of the beam over solid angle to give a beam area (in sr). Uses analytic formula that the answer is 2 * pi * fwhm**2 / 8 ln 2. Trivially this returns an array (i.e., a function of frequency), but the results are frequency independent. See Equations 4 and 5 of Moore et al. (2017) ApJ 836, 154 or arxiv:1502.05072 for details. Parameters ---------- pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' Default: 'I' Returns ------- primary_beam_area: float, array-like Primary beam area. """ return np.ones_like(self.beam_freqs) * 2. * np.pi * self.fwhm**2 \ / (8. * np.log(2.))
[docs] def power_beam_sq_int(self, pol='I'): """ Computes the integral of the beam**2 over solid angle to give a beam area (in str). Uses analytic formula that the answer is pi * fwhm**2 / 8 ln 2. Trivially this returns an array (i.e., a function of frequency), but the results are frequency independent. See Equations 4 and 5 of Moore et al. (2017) ApJ 836, 154 or arxiv:1502.05072 for details. Parameters ---------- pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' Default: 'I' Returns ------- primary_beam_area: float, array-like Primary beam area. """ return np.ones_like(self.beam_freqs) * np.pi * self.fwhm**2 \ / (8. * np.log(2.))
[docs]class PSpecBeamUV(PSpecBeamBase): def __init__(self, beam_fname, cosmo=None): """ Object to store the primary beam for a pspec observation. This is subclassed from PSpecBeamBase to take in a pyuvdata UVBeam object. Parameters ---------- beam_fname: str Path to a pyuvdata UVBeam file. cosmo : conversions.Cosmo_Conversions object, optional Cosmology object. Uses the default cosmology object if not specified. Default: None. """ self.primary_beam = UVBeam() self.primary_beam.read_beamfits(beam_fname) self.beam_freqs = self.primary_beam.freq_array[0] if cosmo is not None: self.cosmo = cosmo else: self.cosmo = conversions.Cosmo_Conversions()
[docs] def power_beam_int(self, pol='I'): """ Computes the integral of the beam over solid angle to give a beam area (in str) as a function of frequency. Uses function in pyuvdata. See Equations 4 and 5 of Moore et al. (2017) ApJ 836, 154 or arxiv:1502.05072 for details. Parameters ---------- pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' Default: 'I' Returns ------- primary_beam_area: float, array-like Scalar integral over beam solid angle. """ if hasattr(self.primary_beam, 'get_beam_area'): return self.primary_beam.get_beam_area(pol) else: raise NotImplementedError("Outdated version of pyuvdata.")
[docs] def power_beam_sq_int(self, pol='I'): """ Computes the integral of the beam**2 over solid angle to give a beam**2 area (in str) as a function of frequency. Uses function in pyuvdata. See Equations 4 and 5 of Moore et al. (2017) ApJ 836, 154 or arxiv:1502.05072 for details. Parameters ---------- pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' Default: 'I' Returns ------- primary_beam_area: float, array-like """ if hasattr(self.primary_beam, 'get_beam_area'): return self.primary_beam.get_beam_sq_area(pol) else: raise NotImplementedError("Outdated version of pyuvdata.")
class PSpecBeamFromArray(PSpecBeamBase): def __init__(self, OmegaP, OmegaPP, beam_freqs, cosmo=None): """ Primary beam model built from user-defined arrays for the integrals over beam solid angle and beam solid angle squared. Allowed polarizations are: I, Q, U, V, XX, YY, XY, YX Other polarizations will be ignored. Parameters ---------- OmegaP : array_like of float (or dict of array_like) Integral over beam solid angle, as a function of frequency. If only one array is specified, this will be assumed to be for the I polarization. If a dict is specified, an OmegaP array for several polarizations can be specified. OmegaPP : array_like of float (or dict of array_like) Integral over beam solid angle squared, as a function of frequency. If only one array is specified, this will be assumed to be for the I polarization. If a dict is specified, an OmegaP array for several polarizations can be specified. beam_freqs : array_like of float Frequencies at which beam solid angles OmegaP and OmegaPP are evaluated, in Hz. This should be specified as a single array, not as a dict. cosmo : conversions.Cosmo_Conversions object, optional Cosmology object. Uses the default cosmology object if not specified. Default: None. """ self.allowed_pols = ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX'] self.OmegaP = {}; self.OmegaPP = {} # Set beam_freqs self.beam_freqs = np.array(beam_freqs) if isinstance(OmegaP, np.ndarray) and isinstance(OmegaPP, np.ndarray): # Only single arrays were specified; assume I OmegaP = {'I': OmegaP} OmegaPP = {'I': OmegaPP} elif isinstance(OmegaP, np.ndarray) or isinstance(OmegaPP, np.ndarray): # Mixed dict and array types are not allowed raise TypeError("OmegaP and OmegaPP must both be either dicts " "or arrays. Mixing dicts and arrays is not " "allowed.") else: pass # Should now have two dicts if everything is OK if not isinstance(OmegaP, dict) or not isinstance(OmegaPP, dict): raise TypeError("OmegaP and OmegaPP must both be either dicts or " "arrays.") # Check for disallowed polarizations for key in OmegaP.keys(): if key not in self.allowed_pols: raise KeyError("Unrecognized polarization '%s' in OmegaP." % key) for key in OmegaPP.keys(): if key not in self.allowed_pols: raise KeyError("Unrecognized polarization '%s' in OmegaPP." % key) # Check for available polarizations for pol in self.allowed_pols: if pol in OmegaP.keys() or pol in OmegaPP.keys(): if pol not in OmegaP.keys() or pol not in OmegaPP.keys(): raise KeyError("Polarization '%s' must be specified for" " both OmegaP and OmegaPP." % pol) # Add arrays for this polarization self.add_pol(pol, OmegaP[pol], OmegaPP[pol]) # Set cosmology if cosmo is None: self.cosmo = conversions.Cosmo_Conversions() else: self.cosmo = cosmo def add_pol(self, pol, OmegaP, OmegaPP): """ Add OmegaP and OmegaPP for a new polarization. Parameters ---------- pol: str Which polarization to add beam solid angle arrays for. Valid options are: 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' If the arrays already exist for the specified polarization, they will be overwritten. OmegaP : array_like of float Integral over beam solid angle, as a function of frequency. Must have the same shape as self.beam_freqs. OmegaPP : array_like of float Integral over beam solid angle squared, as a function of frequency. Must have the same shape as self.beam_freqs. """ # Check for allowed polarization if pol not in self.allowed_pols: raise KeyError("Polarization '%s' is not valid." % pol) # Make sure OmegaP and OmegaPP are arrays try: OmegaP = np.array(OmegaP).astype(float) OmegaPP = np.array(OmegaPP).astype(float) except: raise TypeError("OmegaP and OmegaPP must both be array_like.") # Check that array dimensions are consistent if OmegaP.shape != self.beam_freqs.shape \ or OmegaPP.shape != self.beam_freqs.shape: raise ValueError("OmegaP and OmegaPP should both " "have the same shape as beam_freqs.") # Store arrays self.OmegaP[pol] = OmegaP self.OmegaPP[pol] = OmegaPP def power_beam_int(self, pol='I'): """ Computes the integral of the beam over solid angle to give a beam area (in str) as a function of frequency. Parameters ---------- pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' Default: I. Returns ------- primary_beam_area: float, array-like Scalar integral over beam solid angle. """ if pol in self.OmegaP.keys(): return self.OmegaP[pol] else: available_pols = ", ".join(self.OmegaP.keys()) raise KeyError("OmegaP not specified for polarization '%s'. " "Available polarizations are: %s" \ % (pol, available_pols)) def power_beam_sq_int(self, pol='I'): """ Computes the integral of the beam**2 over solid angle to give a beam**2 area (in str) as a function of frequency. Parameters ---------- pol: str, optional Which polarization to compute the beam scalar for. 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX' Default: I. Returns ------- primary_beam_area: array_like Array of floats containing the primary beam-squared area. """ if pol in self.OmegaPP.keys(): return self.OmegaPP[pol] else: available_pols = ", ".join(self.OmegaPP.keys()) raise KeyError("OmegaPP not specified for polarization '%s'. " "Available polarizations are: %s" \ % (pol, available_pols)) def __str__(self): """ Return a string with useful information about this object. """ s = "PSpecBeamFromArray object\n" s += "\tFrequency range: Min. %4.4e Hz, Max. %4.4e Hz\n" \ % (np.min(self.beam_freqs), np.max(self.beam_freqs)) s += "\tAvailable pols: %s" % (", ".join(self.OmegaP.keys())) return s