Simple plotting functionsΒΆ

The hera_pspec.plot module contains functions for making simple plots of delay power spectra.

The following example plots the power spectra from a UVPSpec object, averaged over baseline-pairs and times.

# Load or generate a UVPSpec object containing delay power spectra
uvp = ...

# Set which baseline-pairs should be included in the plot
blpairs = list(uvp.blpair_array) # This includes all blpairs!

# Plot the delay spectrum, averaged over all blpairs and times
# (for the spectral window with index=0, and polarization 'xx')
ax = hp.plot.delay_spectrum(uvp, [blpairs,], spw=0, pol='xx',
                            average_blpairs=True, average_times=True,

# Setting delay=False plots the power spectrum in cosmological units

For a more extensive worked example, see this example Jupyter notebook.

The only plotting function currently available in the hera_pspec.plot module is delay_spectrum().